School Opening FAQ

We will be updating this resource frequently.

Distance Learning

Q. If we opt into distance learning, are we committing to that program for the entire school year regardless of changes in COVID numbers, or will there be an option to integrate back into the on-campus program if COVID becomes more contained?
Parents will be allowed to change their students’ learning model after the school year begins at quarterly intervals. If compelled to do so by the state, the school could return to a full distance learning program.

Q. Will Clever be accessible on older electronic devices?
Clever is compatible with all computer devices with internet access.  If you are accessing Clever via a web browser, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge or Internet Explorer 2013 or later all work.  The Clever app is compatible with iOS devices (e.g. iPads, iPhones) versions 9.0 or later, and is available for download from the App Store.

Q. Are uniforms required for distance learning?
No, students are not required to wear uniforms for distance learning. 

Q. Will teachers be dedicated to online only or in person only or will they be synchronous?
They will be dedicated to either distance learning or on-campus learning. 

Health Screening

Q. Will the daily symptom screening be a nose swab test?
No, staff will be doing a touchless thermometer temperature check.

Q. Who will be doing the wellness checks in the morning?
School staff. 

Q. Will temperature checks be taken inside or outside classrooms/school building upon arrival?
Temperature check screenings will be done each morning before students exit their vehicle in Driveline and as students exit their bus. If a student’s temperature is above 100.4 degrees, the student will need to return home. If cleared, the students will enter a designated grade-level door and go to their classroom.

Q. How will temperatures be taken?
Using a touchless thermometer

Social Distancing

Q. How will social distancing take place?
Students and staff will enforce a social distancing protocol throughout the school day.  Hallways, bathrooms, lunchroom, classrooms, etc. will be labeled to indicate 6 feet to assist students in practicing proper distance.

School Nutrition

Q. How will lunch work?
Students will have a “grab and go” lunch that they will walk down to the lunchroom and get and bring back to their homeroom class.

Special Services

Q. How will special education services be handled?
Special education services will continue to be push in and pull out services. When a teacher does pull a student out to a small group, social distance guidelines will be followed to the greatest extent possible. 

Q. In the event a SPED student has a behavior issue, will exceptions be made for a parent to enter the building and calm the child?
The best interest of the child will always be taken into consideration.


Q. Will face masks be required?
Per state mandate, face masks will be required for all students, teachers, and staff in school buildings.

Q. Can parents elect to send their students on campus some days and participate in distance learning the other days?
No, at this time, students must choose between either distance learning or on campus learning. 

Q. Will in-classroom volunteers be allowed?
At this time, in-classroom volunteers will not be allowed. 

Q. Are paper packets an option?
Packets will not be an option this year, as we found that it was difficult to determine whether student progress was being made using packets.

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