Distance Learning Information for Families

Distance Learning Quicklink      Reading Eggs Login      Study Island Login

Athlos Academy will provide students with distance learning during our closure due to COVID-19 Virus precautions. Distance learning began Wednesday, March 18. This is to assure students are being provided with educational opportunities during this unprecedented time. We appreciate your patience as we launch our distance learning plan. We will stay in close contact with families and be on hand to assist parents with access to lessons, teachers, and technology.

If you do not have access to technology, we ask that you please contact the school at (320) 281-4430.

Below is our distance learning plan, including expectations of students, helpful resources, and access to teachers and support staff. We will continue to keep lines of communication open between home and school through virtual meetings, email, and updated information on our website at www.athlosstcloud.org.

Access to Distance Learning Resources, Lessons, Teachers, and Staff

We understand that moving to a new learning platform can be a challenge. Our educators have been busy preparing recorded lessons for children to participate in during the closure. Lessons are available for each grade level and are broken down by subject. Lessons will be published on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

Each of our teachers will be holding virtual office hours to assist students with their lessons.

All of these resources and more can be found at: https://bit.ly/3a2v0bm

Additional Expectations of Students

In addition to participating in recorded teacher lessons, it is expected that Athlos Academy of St. Cloud students participate in 2 hours of learning per day during the duration of school closure. This additional learning should take place through Study Island and Reading Eggs. If you did not receive your login information or are having problems accessing, please contact the school.

Access to Meals

Athlos Academy of St. Cloud will provide meals to families during our school closure. We will be bringing meals into the community and will have specific meal drop locations and times. Families are welcome to meet our buses at specified times and locations to pick up grab-and-go breakfasts and lunches daily M-F starting Wednesday, March 18, 2020. For questions, contact the front office.

The locations and times are:

Time: 8:20 – 8:40 a.m.


  • 16th St S and 8th Ave. S
  • A2623 Clearwater Rd.


Time: 8:45 – 9:05 a.m.


  • 1515 6th Ave. S
  • 520 15th Ave. SE


Time: 9:10 – 9:25 a.m.


  • 624 13th St. S
  • 20th Ave. SE


Time: 9:30 – 9:50 a.m.


  • 1710 University Dr.
  • Athlos Academy of St. Cloud 3701 33rd St. S






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