School Reopening Update

Dear Athlos Families,

Following the December announcement from Governor Walz, we will begin returning to school in-person in phases. As Governor Walz stated, based on Minnesota’s evolving knowledge and understanding of the virus, we know that children are less susceptible to serious complications from COVID-19 and we have also learned more about how to reduce the potential for spread in schools. In order to safely transition to an in-person learning model, the Minnesota Department of Health and Minnesota Department of Education requires schools to implement a rolling start process in which students will gradually be brought back to the building.

Return to School Plan

January 19 

  • All students in Kindergarten through 2nd-grade return to school.
  • All students in 3rd-8th grade remain in distance learning.

February 1 

  • All students in 3th–5th-grade return to school and join K–2 on campus.
  • All students in 6th–8th-grade remain in distance learning.

February 16 

  • All students in 6th grade return to school and join K-5 on campus.
  • The Minnesota Department of Education is still looking into the return of middle and high school students. We are waiting for an update from the Minnesota Department of Education on grades 7-8 returning to school.

Scheduled Professional Development Days

January 12–13: No school for grades K–2, all other grades have distance learning.

January 27–28: No school for grades 3–5.  Grades K–2 will have school on campus.  Grades 6-8 will remain in distance learning.

Learning Preference

  • Families who wish to remain in distance learning and not return to campus should complete this form. We will have one teacher in each grade assigned to distance learning.  LEARNING PREFERENCE FORM
  • Families who selected distance learning in the fall and want to return to campus should complete this form. LEARNING PREFERENCE FORM   

Health and Safety Measures

  • All students and staff will be required to wear face coverings.
  • Temperature checks will occur every morning and parents will be required to pick up their children if they have a temperature of 100.4 or exhibit any symptoms of COVID-19.
  • Please do not send your child to school if they have any symptoms of COVID-19.


Starting on January 19th, we will no longer deliver meals throughout the St. Cloud area. Families can pick up meals at school every Monday and Wednesday. Students who are attending on-campus will be served meals on-campus, and distance learning students can pick up meals at the school.


An email regarding transportation was sent to families yesterday. Please check your email and contact the school if you did not receive it or if you have any questions.


When your child returns to school, please return their borrowed laptop or iPad. Please return the technology to the front office.

Please stay tuned for further updates as they become available. We look forward to seeing all of you in-person soon. In the meantime, stay safe and healthy so that we can continue our forward progress on behalf of all of our children at Athlos Academy of St. Cloud. Please do not hesitate to contact me directly with any questions via email or telephone.


Randy Vestch
Executive Director
Athlos Academy of St. Cloud

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