Pickup & Drop Off

If you need to pick your student up one day instead of having them ride the bus, please inform the school’s office by 1:00 p.m. that day and pick your student up following pick-up procedures.

If you will regularly pick up your child please click the button below to fill out our AASC Drive Line form or scan the QR Code shown below and fill out the form. Once filled out, you will be assigned a number that you will need to have with you when you pick up your child.

Students will need to be picked up by 2:15 pm each day. Please know that staff will be unavailable after this time to supervise.

Drop Off

Students are to arrive no earlier than 6:45 a.m.

Students must be dropped off only in the designated loading zone. Follow the entrance and exit route on the map. Be sure to pull all the way up to the car in front of you as this will help move traffic along and keep waiting cars off the main road. An attendant will be on site each morning to assist students with crossing the loading zone. They will also help direct traffic.

Our number one concern is student safety. Please be patient and kind.


Students are to be picked up by 2:15 p.m. (30 minutes after school ends). Students may only remain in the building longer if they are participating in a supervised activity approved by the administration. Please do not check your child out of school “early” after 12:00 p.m. The office staff’s primary duty at this time of day is preparing for a safe dismissal.