E Learning Days

E-Learning Days are for students so they can still engage in learning during inclement weather (snow) days. On an E-Learning Day, students in grades K-8 will continue learning from home, with support from their teachers, instead of going to school.

Teachers will share school computer programs and Choice Boards (BINGO). Teachers will be accessible during the day in order to provide learning
support to students.

E-Learning days are intended to counter the loss of curriculum momentum resulting from school cancellations due to Minnesota’s winter weather conditions. E-Learning Days cannot replace the face-to-face time students have with their teachers, but they can provide better learning continuity when school is interrupted.

E-Learning Days also negate the need for makeup school days in June, helping families more effectively plan summer activities. The first five weather related closings will be shifted to E-Learning days.

E Learning Days Family Letter pdf