Seats will be offered first to students who qualify for enrollment preference under Minn. Stat. § 124E.11. Enrollment preference will be given as follows:
- First to siblings of enrolled pupils and foster children of that pupil’s parent/guardian(s); and
- Second to children of the school’s full-time staff
Once enrollment preference has been addressed, seats will be offered to students based on the lottery.
For applications received after the lottery, students will be placed on the wait list for their grade level based on the date their application was submitted.
Parents will be notified by email, phone call, and/or U.S. mail if their child is offered a seat. It is the parent or guardians’ responsibility to make sure all contact information is correct and accurate.
Parents will have five (5) business days from the date of notification (time-stamp, call log, or postmark) to respond to an offer by email, phone, in person, or via U.S. mail.
When all seats are accepted for a given grade level, the remaining students will be placed on a wait list. Students on the wait list may be offered a seat during the school year if one becomes available in the student’s current grade level. Seats will be offered to students in the order in which they fall according to the most recent lottery. If a student does not accept a position, s/he will not forfeit his/her position on the wait list, but the current position shall be offered to the next student on the list. Athlos Academy of St. Cloud may consider lack of response to an offer of enrollment a decline of the offer.
If a student is offered a seat after the start of the school year, parents will have five (5) business days. Timelines for response will be no less than five (5) business days and no more than ten (10) business days. Wait listed students are reentered into the lottery each year.