Athlos families are encouraged to donate 30 hours of their time each year in service to the school. Parents who are more involved in their student’s education are more aware of their child’s academic performance, school events, and future educational opportunities that will give them an edge in life.
Whether you’re an experienced Athlos parent or just now learning the ropes, Athlos has compiled a few simple ways you can become more involved in your student’s education.
Attend and participate in school board meetings
Board meetings allow you the opportunity to interact with and discuss school decisions with the school board members. Visit the governing board page for the date of the next board meeting.
Talk with your student for 15 minutes every day
By taking the time out of a busy schedule to talk with your student, you are assuring them that they can talk to you about successes and challenges at school. Need some specific ideas? Check out our Performance Character PDF handouts, made especially for Athlos parents.
Donate items your school can use
Schools have a wide variety of needs that change throughout the school year. Items can be gently used or new depending on the current needs of the school. Contact the school to learn what you can donate to help benefit student education.
Attend and participate in your school’s PTA meetings
The PTA is made up of a group of parents and teachers independent to the school who organize and facilitate events to enrich students’ educational experience. Make your voice heard by participating in these meetings to make a difference in your school’s culture. Visit the PTA page for more information.
Assist your child’s teacher in class projects
Teachers are always thrilled to receive help from their students’ parents. Class projects can be as small as putting together classroom kits at home or as large as classroom events for special occasions. Reach out to your child’s teacher about volunteer opportunities and needs.
Talk with your student’s teachers often
Instead of waiting until conferences to evaluate your student’s needs, make appointments with teachers outside the regular schedule to better understand how you can aid your student’s educational needs. Reach out to your student’s teacher.
Help set up, manage, and take down school events
Though it might seem small, being available to help set up, manage, and take down equipment for school events can make a huge difference.
Volunteer at PTA events
Since these types of events often operate independent to the school, they provide opportunities to build meaningful relationships with other parents and community members. Learn more about the PTA.
Chaperone at events or on field trips
Events and field trips are perfect irregular opportunities that can fit an especially irregular parent schedule. These are great occasions for parents who can’t commit to a regular volunteer schedule. Reach out to your student’s teacher about chaperone opportunities.
Read for at least 20 minutes with your student every day
This simple act can help your student move from learning to read to reading to learn by third grade.