Transportation Update

Dear Athlos families,

We appreciate your patience and support as we prepare for a safe and engaging start to the new school year.

We have been working to establish our transportation routes diligently over the past week. Unfortunately, at this time, we have made the decision to postpone offering busing services until Monday, September 14. This will allow our new transportation providers time to finalize routes and conduct dry runs of all routes.

While we understand this is an inconvenience, we want to assure our students are routed in the most efficient way possible and our drivers are prepared to provide the safest transportation to students.

We apologize for this and again appreciate your support as we work to assure the best possible experience for students. For Thursday and Friday, students should be dropped off and picked up at the school through Driveline.

For questions, contact email Stephanie Sparks at or call (320) 281-4430.

Again, we apologize for the inconvenience.


Randy Vetsch
Executive Director
Athlos Academy of St. Cloud

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